Saturday, May 5, 2012

Another PC milestone...

I’m in Sambava to welcome two new environment volunteers to my corner of Madagascar.  Having more Americans in the area is exciting.  Ultimately, it means that I’ve been a PCV for a year now.  Thursday will officially mark my one year anniversary in Ambohimanarina.

What does one year of Peace Corps service mean?  It means halfway to the end.  It means 12 months of living in the midst of a foreign culture.  Hundreds of cups of rice and dozens of new foods.A new language.Many new friends and family members.

I also now can enter my second year with some sense of what to expect.  I already know the name of that strange fruit in the market.  On vingt-six I’ll be ready with my new outfit and Malagasy flag hanging in front of my house.  I’ve gotten used to shopping in the market.  The kids have gotten used to visiting to play with my HotWheels.

My life here is one where a neighbor girl runs down the hill with a grapefruit peel hat, a sight as absurd as it is hilarious.  I stop on my walk to take a video of a chameleon slowly crossing the deserted road.  It’s normal to have a conversation about the chicken standing nearby—how it’s beg enough to eat, how you would cook it.  Somehow I don’t think I’ll every quite know what’s coming next.

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