Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's been a while...

Sorry for the long hiatus.  First there was training, then vacation, then I came back and disappeared to the land of no modern communication for a busy couple of weeks.

I went to harvest the SRI rice.  Beating the rice off the stalks put my body out of commision for most of a week.

Madagascar National Parks had a party for World Environment Day which was very well attended, but a slightly stressful day for me so I didn't manage to get too many photos.

The Environment Day parade of women's groups, soccer teams, students.

Madagascar's Independence Day, commonly known as "vingt-six" was on June 26.  It wasn't quite as "miresaka" (noisy) as last year, for a number a of factors.  The vanilla market hasn't started yet so people have less money and we had just had the MNP environment fety.  I enjoyed myself.  There were a variety of "soma"s (song and dance numbers), including performances by kids along with the women's groups, and I spent the rest of the day being stuffed with food from every one of my friends in the village, so for me it was more "miresaka" than last year.

A brother duo dancing their "soma."

One women's groups learned drills with wooden guns.

Some girls doing their "soma," complete with homemade grass skirts.

Family dinner (lunch really) on "vingt-six."

I thought it was funny that this girl's Independence Day shirt was actually an American Independence Day shirt.

I also accidentally managed to teach someone that "Jewish" meant "religious" (why the hell was I teaching the word Jewish to a bunch of people who have never seen a Jewish person, I will never know) and almost fell into my latrine.  I wish I was joking.

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